
Sun Dog 2

Summer sunbeam-bathing! This lounging pose demonstrates G's excellent hips.


Puppies are Carnivorous with a Little Greenery on the Side

Gemma had her first raw chicken back at 8 weeks old.  She eats a mostly raw and biologically appropriate diet laced with organic chow.  Her feed includes: raw beef liver, chicken hearts, beef ribs; cooked salmon (with skin and fat, no bones) and fish oil capsules; eggs, with or without shell, cooked or raw; yogurt; garlic, yams, pumpkin, and any non-nightshade veggies, especially spinach; most fruits and berries; molasses, olive oil, coconut oil, kelp, apple cider vinegar.  Big no-nos include citrus fruits, onion, rasins/grapes, chocolate, cooked bones, pork, turkey bones.